Farmers started producing crops using Deremo irrigation scheme

                       Farmers started producing crops 1

Deremo irrigation is found about 17 km away from the Meket town, district of Meket woeda. The road from Meket to Deremo irrigation seems the worest road ever for development workers. Since it is full of medium stone & dichs, it may take the same time to reach the place both in car and walk. Humans can jum from one pointed stone to another in in their leg. But the car enters to one dich and tries come back & front to out, and it will be running out of time. The project workers told me as there was a trial of car accident. And one can sense how ORDA & its partners have been working in hard environment to mitigate poverity, like Deremo irrigation area.

                         Farmers started producing crops 3

Deremo irrigation was built by Development for food security activity project (DFSA) which is being implemented by #CARE#WorldVision & ORDA with a budget secured from #USAID. It has 1.03 km canal lengths and 186 meter length structure built in the air to transfer water over crossing the small valley watershed. It benefits 113 households who lives in three kebels (031, o34 & 07 kebels) of Meket woreda. Now cabbage, green pepper, potato, onion are being grown by farmers. Coffee, avocado & mango are grown in intercropping.

                           Farmers started producing crops 2

Finaly the project Enginers, Drivers & other officers are happy for they taste the fruit while their objective to see poor farmers to grow horticulture is being achived. They are cured from bad pain of Deremo irrigation road.

                             An emigrant hopes bright in his homeland

                         A new hope of an emigrant in his homeland

Farmer Adimas was an emigrant in Sudan desert areas for years in need of better life. He began as daily labor and life was not easy there. Though he had worked hard, his life change was stagnant, just hand to mouth. It was because of being an illegal citizen. On this occasion, he saw an experience of Sudan farmers who were engage in horticulture and seedling cultivation in their piece of land, and he decided to come back to his home land to do the same job.

Farmer Adimasu Molla, aged 32, a father of five children lives in Derita kebelle, Libokemkem woreda. Now he has been growing different seedlings on his half hectare farm land after he had gotten a technical training and material support (seed & poliytutube) from ORDA’s Foundation Green Ethiopia Project.

                            A new hope of an emigrant in his homeland1

He has been growing ‘Gesho’ (Rhamnus), Kentefa (Entada Abyssinia), ‘Wanza’ (Cordia Africana) & Grevillea and he got a better income from sale. From seedling sale he earned Birr 15 thousand in 2017, Birr 25 thousand in 2018 & Birr 29 thousand in 2019. By the income he earned, he bought two oxen and one cow. He said that he is strengthening his agriculture work. “By the income I earned, I bought 3 animals. In addition, I fulfilled farming inputs, and now I have a happy family”, he said.

ORDA’s Foundation green Ethiopia project was launched in Libokemkem woreda in 2015. Now it included additional two projects: Green valley & Ecosia, and working on plating of degraded lands and restoring the ecosystem, protect soil erosion, developing water sheds and engage households in those developed watersheds in horticulture activities.

                                    ORDA's Experience on job creation for Youths

                            job creation for Youths

ORDA's Youth Enterprise & Private Sector Development program has a primary goal of creating permanent & temporary job opportunities to youths. It closely works with other major programs in order to engage jobless youths in various implementing project activities to make them beneficiaries of the economy. The project trains jobless youths on a variety of entrepreneurship skills and make a connection with employers who need a human power in different professions.

ORDA in its improving youth employment project has been offering soft skills training and other supports , which aims to create a job for jobless youth. It was launched in July 2018 in Ebnat woreda, South Gondar Zone with a total budget of 5,245,696 secured from Gafat Endowment Enterprise (95.3 % share) & ORDA (4.7 %).

The project has been working to create a job for 200 jobless youths, and it gave entrepreneurship training & facilitation works.

                         job creation for Youths1

37 jobless youths has been engaging in various income generation activities of garment sewing, garage, spice production (shiro, pepper), animal fattening, horticulture, beauty salon, furniture making, etc. They got the working capital from a loan provided by the project via Amhara Credit & Saving Association (ACSI) with a low interest rate. The loan will be paid back 3 years later and is going to revolve for the next jobless youths.

Now, youths who create their own business are getting better monthly income, and they employed other job seekers.

                               Consultative Review Meeting Held

                             Consultative Review Meeting Held

ORDA-John’s Rig WaSH Project conducted a 2019 consultative annual review & 2020 plan orientation held in Debre Markos town of East Gojjam Zone f Amhara Region. Stakeholders from the concerned government bodies, ORDA and donor participated in the workshop.

  • Project Name: ORDA-John’s Rig WaSH Project

 Project woredas:  Five woredas (Aneded, Gozamin, Machakel, Debre Elias and Sinan) and 56 kebeles

  • Project period: Eight years (2016/17 to 2023/24)
  • Project budget: EURO 8,800,000.00; and community is expected to contribute ( EURO 400,000.00)
  • Beneficiaries/Targets: 280,000 in Hygiene & Sanitation and 205,000 safe water supply interventions
                           Consultative Review Meeting Held2

Major works

Safe water supply component

– To construct 210 water schemes (196 shallow wells, 9 deep wells and 5 Large spring    developments)

–Sanitation facilities

–To construct 36 VIPLs in 18 primary schools

–To construct 56 model Household latrines for demonstration

– To support construction of improved pit latrines at household level to derive localities to ODF

–Capacity building

• To provide various training/experience sharing, material and others for the community and local government to build their capacities so that be able to execute WaSH interventions

So far the project has accomplished 33 Shallow borehole construction &maintenance, 3 deep well construction, 3 large spring development (LSPD), 16 ventilated pit latrines, 2 blocks each for 8 primary schools, 42 model household pit latrine, sani-Market groups & community conversation sessions supported, Water quality test conducted, and school club (Mini media) supported to aware hygiene and sanitation activities.

Board of Director's of ORDA approved ORDA's 2019 performance report and 2020 plan

Ato Temengen Tiruneh

Members of the Board of Directors of ORDA approved 2019 performance report & 2020 budget year plan on Sunday, 22nd of March 2020.


The organization has presented to the Board achievements gained in 2019 on Environment & Forest Development Program (EFDP), WASH and Irrigation Development Program (WIP), Agriculture & Diaster Risk Management program (ADRMP), Youth Enterprise & Private Sector Development (YEPSDP) and Cross cutting themes (Gender, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, Persons with Disability and Climate change) and Enterprises Development activities Bahir Dar Plant Tissue Culture, Abay Construction, Garage (social enterprises for income generation.)


ORDA has managed 29 diversified projects working under 50 woredas benefiting more than 1.4 million people in 2019 alone.

                                    vision mission


The board approved of the report and plan of 2020 by offering strategic directions for the organization.

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