The current ORDA Ethiopia was founded in February 1984, and it was called the Ethiopian Relief Organization (ERO). ERO was established in response to severe rural poverty exacerbated by the persistent drought of 1984, civil war, and, above all, the political turmoil. ERO was legally registered as a local NGO in 1991 by the Ethiopian Relief and Rehabilitation Commission and again in 1999 by the federal Ministry of Justice (MOJ). Following the enactment of the Charities and Societies Legislation, it was re-registered by the MOJ Charities and Societies Agency as the Ethiopian Residents Charity under license number 0607.

Since 1991, it has extended its relief and agricultural rehabilitation portfolio to include repatriation of Ethiopian returnees from the Sudan and resettlement of internally displaced people. Starting from the year 1993, it embarked on development interventions and implemented integrated food security and rural development projects in Ebinat, Belessa, Sekota and Metema Woredas. However, the Organization was not guided by a Strategic Plan until 1997. ORDA Ethiopia undertook the First Five-year Strategic Plan (1997-2003) during the second General Assembly held in April 1997 in Bahir Dar, and it was during this general assembly that the name ERO changed into ORDA.

ORDA Ethiopia through its 5 strategic planning periods

The 1st Strategic plan Period [1997-2003]

The first strategic plan prioritized natural resource protection, agricultural development, rural water supply, and access road construction. Emergency food aid and related interventions were implemented only when necessary. During this period, ORDA Ethiopia executed seven Food Security and Integrated Rural Development Projects in Sekota, Ebinat, Belessa, Wadla, Tach Gayint, Lay Gayint, Gublafto, and Gidan woredas.

The 2nd Strategic Plan Period [2004-2008]

It refined first strategic period priorities and restructured the organization into five technical programs: Agricultural Development and Environmental Protection, Forest Resources Development, Water Resources Development, Capacity Building & Community Development, and Disaster Prevention & Relief Programs. This period marked significant change, elevating ORDA Ethiopia’s visibility among the public, government, donors, and partners due to its grassroots impact.

The 3rd Strategic Plan Period [2009-2013]

It focused on three programmatic areas: natural resource development, water resource development, and food security & agriculture. Gender mainstreaming and HIV/AIDS considerations were integrated across all programs. During the final year of this period (2013), ORDA Ethiopia successfully implemented 78 diversified projects in 63 woredas, partnering with 32 funding organizations and deploying 973 human capitals (27% female). Overall, ORDA Ethiopia reached 3.5 million people in 80 woredas, with a budget totaling Ethiopian Birr 1,592,572,702 (including cash and estimated food commodity values).

The 4th Strategic Plan Period [2014-2020]

After the completion of the third strategic plan, the organization had designed the fourth strategic plan (2014-2018) and implemented for two years. Within this period, the country developed the Second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-2) from 2015/16 to 2019/2020.  In order to align the Fourth SPM with Government’s GTP-2, ORDA Ethiopia revised its previous Fourth strategic plan and developed the new Fourth strategic plan that has been implemented from 2016-2020.

The 5th Strategic Plan Period [2021 to 2025]

It has been intervening developmental activities throughout Ethiopia, in addition to the Amhara region. In this period, ORDA Ethiopia expanded its 4 programs to 5 programs:

  • Forest, Environment, and Climate Change Program
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program
  • Agriculture and Livelihoods Program
  • Disaster Risk Reduction Program
  • Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Program

Governance and Structure:

ORDA Ethiopia operates under the guidance of its Board of Directors, responsible for shaping organizational strategies. The Executive Director manages the organization and is accountable to the board. ORDA Ethiopia Senior Management Team (SMT) The full-time senior management team is in charge of running ORDA Ethiopia’s affairs. It works in compliance with ORDA Ethiopia's and with the decisions of the Board of Directors. The Extended Management Team (EMT) comprises executive directors, deputy executive directors, program directors, managers, and department heads.

ORDA Ethiopia Annual Budget utilization

  ORDA Ethiopia Budget



     ORDA Ethiopia Budget


YEAR         Utilization in Ethiopian Birr YEAR    Utilization in Ethiopian Birr
1992-1996 133,070,267 2011 177,830,188
1997 15,973,042 2012 236,630,582
1998 26,474,300 2013 309,253,363
1999 22,275,978 2014 333,229,664
2000 52,109,933 2015 435,296,247
2001 29,000,077 2016 1,551,985,692
2002 34,524,475 2017 1,017,358,748
2003 57,813,957 2018 1,184,431,641
2004 36,927,981 2019 1,203,218,821
2005 55,139,964 2020 1,431,263,935
2006 83,351,614 2021 1,910,070,027
2007 92,969,453 2022 8,312,164,209
2008 119,990,243 2023 3,849,988,044
2009 131,237,430 Total 22,907,714,485
2010 197,204,877

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