Most Irrigation Schemes started off providing services     

It is disclosed that the construction work of most irrigation schemes which are being implemented by Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) in collaboration with International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) with an outlay of 47.3 million Ethiopian birr are completed and started off providing services.


The pioneer Bio-diesel middle Scale Industry started off test production
  • Produces 300 litres bio-diesel per  day

The pioneer Bio-diesel Middle Scale Industry which uses Jatropha seed as a raw material input has commenced production in Bati town, Oromia Zone, Amhara National Regional State.

opening of bati bio diesel

ORDA's development accomplishment is commendable for its performance

His Excellency Gedu Andargachew, Deputy Head of Amhara National Regional State and Head of Bureau of Agriculture.

 "The organization allocates over 407 million Birr budget."

                            Dejene Menliku, Deputy and Programs Director of ORDA

His Excellency Gedu Andargachew, Deputy Head of Amhara National Regional State and Head of Bureau of Agriculture recently disclosed that ORDA's development accomplishment is commendable for its exemplary performance.

His Excellency Gedu asserted this view when he heralded the official opening of the organization's eighth regular General Assembly Meeting held in Bahir Dar on the 29th of March of 2012.

ato gedu AndargachewHis Excellency  Gedu Andargachew, Deputy Head of Amhara National Regional State and Head of  Agriculture Bureau

His Excellency Gedu Andargachew, Deputy Head of Amhara National Regional State and Head of Agriculture Bureau

The humanitarian and developmental service rendered by ORDA in the last 28 years has been given admiration by all development partners, he added.

His Excellency Ahmed Abitew, Deputy Head of Amhara National Regional State, Head of Industry and Urban Development Bureau and Chairperson of Board of Directors on his part pointed out that the organization held the General Assembly at its successful implementation of its third strategic plan and having registered commendable achievements.

Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen, Executive Director of ORDA, asserted that the organization vigorously operates its developmental programs in collaboration with the people, governmental and nongovernmental organizations more than ever. He further reiterated that "Though the developmental efforts of the country is registering accelerated and sustainable growth, the presence of millions of people who are surviving in a subsistence livelihood in the region signifies lots of concerted efforts need to be exerted , in the future."

                      DR Ambachewgeneral asembly 2004

Dr.Ambachew Mekonnen,Executive Director of ORDA

Dejenie Miniliku, Deputy and Programs Director while reporting ORDA's annual performance of 2011 to the General Assembly noted that ORDA executed various innovative and creative projects in 80 districts of the region and benefited close to 3 million people. Moreover, over 1.3 million quintals of food reserve have been distributed to over 3.5 million people in the same year.

                       Ato Dejenegeneral asembly 2004

Dejenie Miniliku, Deputy and Programs Director

The General Assembly after conducting live discussion on the document adopted the 2011 performance and audit report of the organization.

 “The organization allocates over 407 million Birr budget.” 

Dejene Menliku, Deputy and Programs Director of ORDA, reported that the organization is in progress allocating over 407 million Birr budget in the current fiscal year, 2012."

According to the presentation of Deputy and Programs Director of ORDA the 2012 annual budget plan of the Organization for the general Assembly over 311.11 million birr will be collected in cash from different donors; whereas 17,000 metric tons of food aid valued over 81.7 million birr; and participation of target beneficiaries is accounted for 15 million birr. The share of administration cost from the total budget would be about 22%, excluding value of community participation.

Dejenie further added that the 2012 plan targets to benefit over 1.65 million people through implementing 85 projects in 53 districts of the region.

The reasons for implementing in less number of districts outreach in 2012 as compared to 2011's coverage is intended to manage projects in a concentrated and focused manner and to strengthen the supervision and monitoring activities effectively with a view to registering better changes and impact, as he stressed.

Chairperson of the General Assembly, Her excellence, Dr. Misrak Mekonnen, State Minister of the Civil Service Ministry on her part stressed that institutional capacity of ORDA has grown through time and emphasized to give due consideration for strong working culture.

Finally, Ato Ahmed Abitew remarked that the only way to eradicate poverty is working together joining all stakeholders' capacities. To this end, he called on all partners to further strengthen their collaborations of working with ORDA.

It's recalled that members of ORDA's General Assembly, representatives from the Federal and the Regional offices, invited guests, development partners and other organizations, target beneficiaries farmers, members of executive body of the General Assembly, ORDA's Board of Directors, Management Committee members of the organization, heads of project offices, coordination offices and experts of ORDA took part in the eighth General Assembly.

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