Agriculture, Nutrition and DRM Program
ORDA Ethiopia, through its Agriculture, Nutrition and Disaster Risk Management interventions, promotes crop and livestock production development of alternative income generating activities, maternal and child nutrition, market linkages and building resilient community through disaster risk management. The interventions aim at addressing the fundamental causes of food insecurity and consequently improve livelihood of vulnerable households.
This Program:-
Promotes high value horticultural crops development, market linkage in light of value chain approach, and implementing livestock development activities like poultry, shoats, apiary & forage development.
Moreover, the food insecure households are also supported to diversity their income through non-farm income generating activities integrated with village saving & loan groups.
Besides, ORDA Ethiopia operates disaster risk management projects.
Major Focus Areas
o Crop production & protection
o Horticulture development (fruits and vegetables)
o Income generation and marketing activities
o Disaster & risk management
o Maternal & child nutrition
o Livestock production