Global Hand Washing and Toilet Day colorfully celebrated in Debre Markos with the theme "Clean Hands, Clean Face and Toilet for All."

                         Global Hand Washing

ORDA in collaboration with ANRS Bureau of Health and stakeholders celebrated the "Global Hand Washing and Toilet Day" on November 26, 2019 in East Gojjam Zone, Debre Markos. Today's hand washing day is celebrated globally with the theme "Clean hands,clean face and toilets for All!"

Why is hand washing & use of toilet generally important to us?

1. Why is hand washing required?

Our hands may be exposed to a variety of pollutants and pathogens when performing different functions. These bacteria can hide and reproduce in small areas of our hands, which can lead to various diseases. Proper hand washing is a 20-second fight with a bacterium that is a health hazard. This practice is considered to be a short-term effective treatment for people with infectious diseases.

2. Important times for hand washing

When should you wash your hands

• Before, during, and after preparing food

• Before eating food

• Before and after caring for someone who is sick

• Before and after treating a cut or wound

• After using the toilet

• After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet

• After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing

• After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste

• After touching garbage

Although hand washing might seem like a simple task, you should follow these steps to thoroughly rid your hands of germs.

How to wash your hands

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Alcohol-based hand cleansers are useful when soap and water are not available. In most cases antibacterial soap is not necessary for safe, effective hand hygiene.

• Remove any hand or arm jewelry you may be wearing and wet your hands with warm water. Add regular soap and rub your hands together, ensuring you have lathered all surfaces for at least 15 seconds. How long is 15 seconds? The length of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday.
• Wash the front and back of your hands, as well as between your fingers and under your nails.
• Rinse your hands well under warm running water, using a rubbing motion.

• Wipe and dry your hands gently with a paper towel or a clean towel. Drying them vigorously can damage the skin.

• Turn off the tap using the paper towel so that you do not re-contaminate your hands. When using a public bathroom, use the same paper towel to open the door when you leave.
• If skin dryness is a problem, use a moisturizing lotion.

3. Issues to focus on when washing our hands

Our finger nails should always be cut short and trimmed. Otherwise, it’s a place of where bacteria and fungi, germs etc suitable for breeding. Places in between our finger, thumbs & joints can hide transmit pathogens, so we have to give attention to clean using water & soap during hand washing.

4. Importance of toilets

The number of standard toilets in our country is very low. Diarrhea and other health problems caused by absence of toilets and poor hygiene can cause many people especially children to illness and death. By weakening productivity of the people, it causes serious damage to the family and the economy. Toilets can eliminate all these health and economic related problems. Hence, creating awareness & access to better latrine is quite vital to public.
Experts explain that regular hand washing with soap and water can reduce diarrhea and subsequent health problems by 30 percent.

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Germany Parliamentarian Advisors visited ORDA projects being implemented in South Gondar Zone of Amhara region!

                    Germany Parliamentarian
Estie Woreda Mariam Sar shallow well safe water supply is completed and opened to offer service for the community.

Meterey Small scale irrigation, washera breed, improved crop varieties, VESA, shoat fattening, poultry and nutrition are well addressed & has been improving the livelihood of the community.

                 Germany Parliamentarian 1

  Thank you very much for the funding #Germany people and the government, #BMZ#WHH

                         The Project strives to bring better live for farmers

                       better live for farmers

ORDA’s #integrated community Development project (ICDP) has been being implmented in 9 kebeles of Libokekem woreda with a whole budget of 83 Million Birr secured from #Glimmer of Hope since 2018. It has a mission to transform the live of 5 thousand 500 farmers by engaging them in selected value chains like cattle fattening, sheep & goat rearing, sheep fattening, poultry, onion & garlic cultivations & delivering clean water.

Among the beneficiaries, farmer Demoz Achenef, aged 45, a resident of a rural town Yifag, is found. He is a father of 8 chidren (F: 2) and leads his family in traditional agriculture. He tried to accommodate his family food consumption from a hectare farmland. He was unable to fulfill hisfamily need due to single income, farming. he diversified his income while he joined ICDP. He took Birr 30,000 loan and joined two ox fatteniung. “I am fattening two oxby the loan I got from financial institutions that will be paid back in three terms. I bought two oxen in Birr 29 thousand and I will sell them Birr 41 thousand. I hope I will expand the fattning and live better life” he said. In 2019 only, one thousand 79 farmers became beneficiary by engaging in Cattle fattening, Shoat fattening & rearing, poultry, Onion & Garlic cultivation in the woreda

                        ORDA's Integrated Community Development project   

ORDA's Integrated Community Development project (ICDP) has been striving to improve the livelihood of 5 thousand 500 farmers by engaging them in various agriculture value chain. Mrs. Aliceyn, director of 
#Glimmer of Hope, has paid a field visit in project implementation areas.ORDA's ICD project has been implementing with Birr 83 million budget secured from #Glimmer of Hope non governmental organization in Libokemkem woreda of 9 kebele's since 2018. The project enables the farmers to engage in value chains of Cattle fattening, shoat rearing, and Poultry, Onion & Garlic cultivation.


The project donor #Glimmer of Hope Director Mrs. Aliceyn has paid a field visit in project implementation areas of Libokemkem woreda. In the visit, farmers engaged in village economic associations, in cattle fattening, shoat rearing, poultry & onion caultivation has been visited. Mrs. Alicey said that the project has achieved a promotable result and should be sustained for better result. In the filed visit Glimmer of Hope Ethiopia country director, ORDA higher officials & experts has been participated.

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