ORDA’s Regional Water Quality Test Laboratory becomes functional

By Fasil Wolde Michael

It is disclosed that ORDA’s Regional Water Quality Test Laboratory equipped with digital, new and portable technologies became functional.

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Shegaw Fentaye, Hygiene and Sanitation Officer in the Water Resource Development Program and who is now temporarily coordinating the Laboratory, disclosed that its digital equipment made it to have distinctive qualities in providing more accurate and precise results, in applying rapid, simple and inexpensive test methods, to overcome significant cost constraints through conducting on-site testing using portable equipment and the development of alternative and simplified test methods. He also added that the Laboratory will serve as a regional training center on water quality testing.

"The staff stepped up their efforts to create conducive situation where the organization can contribute for alleviating huge developmental problems" The Executive Director of ORDA

By Fasil Wolde Michael

The Executive Director of ORDA, Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen, said “the staff  has stepped up their efforts to create conducive situation where the organization can contribute for alleviating huge developmental problems.”

In his message read out at the opening remark of the biannual staff meeting of the organization held in Bahir Dar from 5th to 7th of August, 2013 at the Amhara Regional People Martyrs Memorial Monument, Dr. Ambachew stressed  “It is a must for dealing with activities that the staff should play indispensable role in the organization’s effort to involve in economic development, particularly in micro and small agro-industry processes that can create large job opportunities for many youths of the region.”


The Former Executive Director of ORDA: improving the life of mothers is improving the life of the family and the livelihood of the population too

By Fasil Wolde Michael

Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen, the Executive Director of ORDA, said “improving the life of mothers is improving the life of the family and the livelihood of the entire population too”, while officially open CBM stakeholders consultative workshop recently held at Homland Hotel in Bahir Dar, on July 25/2013. 

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The Executive Director of ORDA also stated “improving the life of the Children is improving the life of the future; enabling the rural communities beneficial of potable water is improving their livelihood; CBM did in the previous years to achieve these goals.”

ORDA constructs more than 30 Small Scale Irrigation Schemes in the Region

By Mulatu Tadele

Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara /ORDA / is implementing more than 30 Small Scale Irrigation (SSI) projects in Amhara Region at a cost of more than 156 million ETB in this budget year, Water Resource Development Program of ORDA said.

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ORDA-EPA Horticultural Processing Plant starts off Test Production

By Wondie Engeda

Fruit and Processing Plant funded by Federal Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in collaboration with Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) stared off its Test Production.

ORDA-EPA Horticultural Processing Plant started off Test Production1

It is disclosed that the plant started off its test production while practical trainings provided for 30 unemployed youths organized in Micro & Small Enterprise Development for 15 days from 08/07/2013 to 22/07/2013 consecutively.

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