Community ponds opened the eyes of farmers!

By Esubalew Dires

 There is a high temperature in the area. Crops like tef and mungbean are getting harvested and threshed in the area.  Farmers are distressed about the rainy season this year.  Maize, pepper and sorghum are looking immature. However, community ponds constructed in the area will sustain the moisture of farmlands until it is matured.

ANRS Oromo Special zone contains 8 woredas. Dewa Chefa and Bati are two of the four woredas of project interventions found in the zone. Dewa Chefa is distinct from others in that Chefa Vally is potentially rich in underground water. The Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) Harvest Plus project and International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) funded by SIDA carried out intervention activities to livelihood improvement and overall transformation. The intervention of the project with a new agricultural practice helped farmers, women and unemployed youths to be part of development actors through better use of irrigation and agricultural related activities in the area. Community ponds which opened the eyes of farmers are now extensively expanded. 


Clustering a new initiative for better productivity

 By Esubalew Dires                                 

The Organization for Rehabilitation & Development in Amhara (ORDA) & International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) are implementing Harvest Plus project funded by SIDA. They carried out developmental interventions to boost productivity of smallholder agriculturalists and get landless youths engaged on various income generation activities. Hence, due to its fruitful achievements in pilot areas of the project, SIDA agreed with ORDA to extend the project for two more years. The project is being implemented to benefit 9,600 households (20% FHH) to sustainably improve their productivity and create jobs for 3,600 landless youths and women (20%) in 24 kebeles of districts of Tehuledere and Ambasel at South Wollo and Dewa Chefa & Bati at Oromia administrative zones.


ORDA progressively makes the environment hospitable to live

By Esubalew Dires (Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. 13 June 2015)

                                                      Defecation Free5

ORDA, AMREF and to launch a new project

By Esubalew Dires


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