Woreilu Amhara Trachoma Elimination Project (ATEP) Launching Workshop has been conducted

          Amhara Trachoma Elimination Project

According to a 2006 study conducted on blindness and Visually Impairment in Ethiopia, it is 3.1 percent on average and 5.2 percent in the Amhara region. This shows that trachoma and related eye diseases are causing serious problems in our society compared to other regional states.

With this in mind, ORDA Ethiopia, in partnership with CBM-International, is implementing a € 57 million 579,862 budget in 3 woredas of Wereilu, Jama, and Legehida woredas of Amhara Regional State to achieve the national goal of eliminating trachoma, especially to improve the lives of persons with disabilities (PwDs).

        Amhara Trachoma Elimination Project 1

The project plans to perform at least 3,176 trachoma surgeries by doing trachoma screening for 10,000 victims in the coming years, to mid of 2024. It will build inclusive 68 safe drinking water facilities; Hygiene services will be provided to the community by constructing 6 model latrines accessible to PwDs and 7,083 improved pit latrines. Training will also be provided to 84,384 community members and 42,750 students on hygiene, trachoma prevention, and toilet use.

Generally, ORDA Ethiopia has implemented hygiene & sanitation projects in Amhara Regional State over the past 25 years and built 5 thousand 778 safe drinking water facilities which benefited 2.51 million people.

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