Farmers told that they were getting good earnings by engaging in horticulture farming

          in horticulture farming

ORDA Ethiopia’s Sustainable Vegetable value Chain (SVVC) Project runs from 2019 - 2023 in 5 kebeles of Fogera woredas namely, Abua Kokit, Bebekis, Kuhar Mikael, Sifatra and Shina kebele with a total budget of 3.6 Million birrs secured through Development Fund (Funded from Norwegian Aid & Development) to be implemented with the consortium of SNV and Joytech Fresh.

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Among beneficiary farmers who live in Shina Kebele in Fogera woreda, a woman farmer Gedam Zerihune, and farmer Abeje Tsegaw said that they were getting a good amount of produce by sewing productive vegetable varieties supplied by the project.

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The project aims to increase the income of farmers engaged in horticulture (tomato, pepper, and cabbage) by providing training and input to those with knowledge, market linkages and by mitigating product quality problems. The project will run until 2023, benefiting 1,714 farmers by providing market linkages, including modern gardening and quality seedlings.

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During the last two years of operation, 545 households (65 in tomato cultivation, 406 in pepper cultivation, and 74 households in cabbage cultivation) have been supplied 1,400 best vegetable varieties each for better yields

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