Two hundred fifty households got safe water supply in WOYIN AMBA town


Although they are a resident of the district town, Mrs. Enana Faris Family had had no access to potable water. Sometimes, they fetch clean water from the neighborhood rural areas. Even they had no full right to fetch there since it was built for rural villagers only. So, they also forced to fetch water from "Gede" river which is unsafe.

Mrs. Enana Faris, aged 29, is married & has 5 children. She is government employee & lives in Woyin Amba Town, Legehida district. The town lacked potable water. Tough the residents asked the city administration to build a water scheme; it did not do due to lack of budget. As a result they used to drink Gede River. Water born disease like diarrhea & Trachoma were escalated in the town.

At this moment they had asked the Nongovernmental organization to build water for them. ORDA’s CBM Italy project was the first to answer their quest. Then the project built a water scheme that benefit 250 families in 2019, and Mrs. Enana has become a beneficiary.


Mrs. Enana said, “I am government employee in the town, but I used to drink from a river which is unsafe water. We had had a problem to drink safe water, to wash our cloth and body. Sometime were fetching safe water from surrounding rural village water point which is built for farmers and it was limited in capacity. Even we did not have the right to use their. So, when we fetch water from the river for cloth wash, the children mistakenly drunk it. This made them victim of water born disease.”

Now Mrs. Enana family and other households are free from a disease caused by water pollution. “ORDA’s CBM Italy Project has built potable water in short time for us and my children are getting safe water. We are now happy because we feel free from any disease. We are caring our health through sanitation & hygiene works.

The water scheme beneficiaries are using in schedule. They have a water committee who cares it and to make maintenance when it is malfunction.

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