Amhara Trachoma Control Program

                    Amhara Trachoma

The Amhara Trachoma control program (ATCP) is composed of five projects Under CBM Umbrella (CBM German one & two, CBM Italy, CBM Australia and CBM Canada).

The project has an aim to improve the quality of life of children, women, boys and girls in Amhara regional state by reducing the prevalence of blinding trachoma and contribute towards the achievement of the Global Elimination of Trachoma (GET) by 2020. Especial focus is given to reduce prevalence rates of active Trachoma in the target districts through implementing the WHO endorsed SAFE strategy.

The ATCP has screened 41,392 (F: 23,120) persons for eye health and surgery since 2017 to end of July 2019 in intervention of waghemra, South Wollo, North & Central Gonder Zones. Trachoma treatment surgery made for 8,475 (F: 5,023) patients and Antibiotics has been delivered for 10,599 eye patients. In hygiene and sanitation, the project constructed 454 water points & 19,602 household pit latrines with local materials.

To promote Hygiene and sanitation, an education was given for 215,658 (F: 139,820) communities in target districts and for 182,331 (F: 101,807) school communities in target schools.

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