VermiCompost, an alternative for fertilizer


Farmer Mohamed, aged 45, lives in Gobaya Kebele, Tehuledere woreda. He is married and has six children.

For the less fertility of his farmland, he used to prepare compost manualy. But the process has exposed him for health danger, due to sophistication & lack of care, and needs more energy.

In this occasion ORDA’s Growth for the Future: Enhancing market system for improved sustainable livelihood project has began to be implemented in Tehuledere woreda and other woredas with 25.7 million birr secured from Sweden International Development Agency implementing through consortium by farm Africa, Mercy corpsa and ORDA. Mohamed had shown a great interest to participate in the project and has been selected. He easly accepts new agricultural technologies

He had gotten training about Vermi compost preparation, and he undersatands its advanatage than previous one.

He prepared a 1.3 m * 50 cm container and filled with leaf, dung, and soil and sprankle water over it. Then he added a Vermi Worm, and it ate the input and changed to compost. He earned 150 kg compost in 23 days fermentation. Now he substituted the usual expensive fertilizer. He also sold a vermin worm for other users with a cost of Birr 1,600.

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