“I am Inspired for a New Life”

                          New Life

Fitfit woldie, a 60 year old nun, is living in rural Guri village of Ziquala districts. She led her family by means of traditional mixed farming. Lack of sanitation, hygiene and scarcity of potable water made her village more prone to disease like trachoma. Hence, her left eye had faced blindness. She was shocked and loses her hope for the remaining life. After a year, her right eye got visual impairment that had stopped her from routine activity like baking injera, fetching water and caring her family.

Fitfite said, “I encountered difficulty to share social afairs; fetching water, funerals, weddings and other social aspects. In addition, i could not find a helper for my blindness”.

                          New Life1
ORDA-CBM-Germany one project has been implementing Trachoma treatment in waghemra zone 4 woredas; Abergele, Zikuala, Dahina and Sekota town since 2017. Among these, Surgery has been done in Zikuala Woreda with the integration of the ziquala district health office for those who had visual impairment problems due to trachoma.

Fifitie was identified as a trachoma victim by CBM GERMAN ONE project, and she agreed to be treated for Trachoma treatment surgery operation. Lastly, she got eye operation and her right eye had been cured.”

“ORDA- CBM-Germany one project has restored my eye light and inspired me for a new life”, Fitfit Woldie said.

The project gave antibiotic treatment for trachoma for 533 (F: 285) patient and 107 (F:63) trachoma victims were surgically operated.

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