“I equipped with Knowledge and Technology to mitigate my Poverty sustainably”

                        Poverty sustainably

Though Farmer Ebrahim harvests Teff and sorghum anualy on his one hectare land, he was getting hunger time to time and was in difficult on his livelihood. His annual income could not afford his 4 children and his wife food consumption and he was forced to do as a daily laborer.
Farmer Ebrahim Seyid, aged 80, lives in kachur kebele, which shares the lower catchment of river Borkena, of Dewa Chefa Woreda, Oromo Nationality Zone. The area is semi-arid since the summer out rapidly and no moisture soil to grow crop at winter. As a result majority of residents live under harsh poverty. As part of the community, Mr Ebrahim sews Teff and sorghum on his one hectare land, but he was unable to fulfill his family food consumption.

ORDA’s Growth for the Future: Enhancing market system for improved sustainable livelihood project is being implemented in Dewa chefa woreda, Oromo speciality zone and Tehuldrie and Ambassel Woredas of south wollo Administration zone, Amhara National regional sate since January 1, 2018 as a pilot project with a budget of 25.7 million Birr secured from Sweden international development Agency (SIDA). Farmer Ebrahim has been engaged the project in passion to cultivate horticulture. First had been trained on how to grow horticulture in a piece of land and he shared practical experience from Raya Kobo farmers of North wollo zone. Now he has been growing variety horticulture vegetation. In his piece of yard, he plated 30 hybrid Bananas specious which gives fruit in a year. The project constructed a community pond, and farmer Ebrahim waters his yard at the dry season, Ethiopian winter. Farmer Ebrahim said, “Even though I wanted to grow horticulture previously, I had no productive hybrid seed and enough water since the area summer season was short enough. The River Borkena was over flow on my farm land in the crop season, summer, and I was left without sewing crop. My farming activity was abided by the cheerfulness of River Borkena. “Now and then I will grow horticulture on compartment of my land and harvest three times a year. i am confidential about the eradication of poverty and restoring good livelihood. Since I got knowledge and new agricultural technology from the project, I can stand firm against poverty throughout my life”.

Farmer Ebrahim is an eager to transfer his new experience for his neighbors to grow mutually and it is contributing more by expanding the project best practice to others.

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