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Almaz GizawDr. Almaz Gizaw AdugnaMember of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Dr. Almaz Gizaw Adugna is member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD since March 2022. Currently Working as Deputy head of bureau of Agriculture of Amhara Region State. Dr. Almaz holds a Ph.D. in Development Studies from Addis Ababa University, an MSc in Rural Development and Agricultural Extension from Haramaya University, and a B.Ed. in Geography from Bahir Dar University. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Rural Development & Agricultural Extension at Bahir Dar University. She previously managed the BDU BENEFIT-REALISE Program Cluster. Her community service includes reviewing academic papers, sharing expertise on mass media platforms, and conducting training on value chain concepts. Notably, she received the Ethiopian Women in Science and Development 2019 Award and was recognized as the Best Female Professor at the HEART convention in 2021.


Firew TegegneDr. Firew Tegegne Amogne, Member of  ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Firew Tegegne Amogne is member of BOARD of ORDA Ethiopia since March 2022. He has a Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, and an M.Sc. in World Animal Production from the University of Wales, UK. Currently, he serves as the Deputy Director Agriculture Transformation Institute of Federal democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Dr. Firew Tegegne Amogne is also Board member Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Ethiopia, and Amhara Metal Industry and Machine Technology Development Enterprise. He has been the President of Bahir Dar University for five years. He held the title of Associate Professor in Feeds and Animal Nutrition and also served as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research. Dr. Firew managed projects and programs such as SATREPS (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development) and CASCAPE (Capacity Building for Scaling-up of Evidence-based Best Practices in Agricultural Production in Ethiopia) and National Director, FAO funded 3-year project titled “Cactus Pear (Opuntia spp.) Production and Utilization.


Aytenew EndeshawAto Aytenew Endeshaw Tatek, Member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Aytenew Endeshaw Tatek is member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD since March 2022. He holds an MSc in Water Management from UNESCO-IHE the Netherlands (2015). His currently working as Water, Climate and Environmental Policy Officer of Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He has been vice head of bureau of agriculture of the Amhara Regional State and previously worked as head of department of agriculture at zonal and head of office of agriculture at district level. He has expertise in land restoration and sustainable land management. Aytenew’s skills include analyzing sector developments, advising stakeholders, and managing donor-funded initiatives. His professional development includes prestigious trainings in food security, water leadership, and sustainable land management.


mamar ayDr. Mamaru Ayalew Moges, Member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Dr. Mamaru Ayalew Moges is member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD since 2021.  Dr. Mamaru has a Ph.D. in Integrated Water Management and a Master’s in Water Resource Engineering from Bahir Dar University. He serves as Head of Water Irrigation and Energy Bureau of the Amhara National Regional State. In addition, he is an Associate Professor in Integrated Water Management at Bahir Dar University with practical experience as Bureau Head, Director of the Blue Nile Water Institute, and Technical Advisor for the PIRE project from Connecticut University. Dr. Mamaru’ s publications focus on water quality and resource management in the Amhara Region.

 Frealem ShibabawMrs. Frealem Shibabaw, Vice Chair of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Frealem Shibabaw is the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at ORDA Ethiopia since March 2022. She holds degrees in Business management, Human & Social Studies, and Development Studies from the University of South Africa. With over 15 years of experience, she has been a driving force for women's and children’s empowerment. Frealem is the Executive Director of the Ethiopia School Meal Initiative and Founder of Bahirdar Academy. Her strategic prowess in advocating for school nutrition programs led to the creation of the Seqota Declaration, now a recognized government initiative. She was recognized as a Goodwill Ambassador by World Vision Ethiopia in 2018 and as a Nutrition Champion by Transform Nutrition in the UK in 2016. Frealem Shibabaw’ s unwavering dedication to community empowerment has made her a key influencer in Ethiopia’s educational and nutritional progress.


Fantu TesfayeMrs. Fantu Tesfaye Alemu, Member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Mrs. Fantu Tesfaye Alemu is member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD since March 2022. Speaker of the Amhara Regional Council. She holds a BA in Management and an LLB in Law. With over 20 years of experience, serving as Head of different department at South Wollo Zone and Speaker at the South Wollo Zone and Amhara Regional State Council.


dr  alemayehu copyDr. Alemayehu Wassie Eshete, Secretary of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Dr. Alemayehu Wassie Eshete is the Board Secretary and Executive Director of ORDA Ethiopia. He was elected as Executive Director in January 2018 and has made significant contributions to the organization’s success. He attended Alemaya/ Haromaya University of Agriculture, Ethiopia where he received a BSc degree in forestry in 1992. He then received an MSc in Farm Forestry from Swedish University of Agricultural Science for his research on the roles of Ethiopian Orthodox Churches in the conservation of forest biodiversity. He continued his research in church forest and further earned his Ph.D. in 2007 from the Forest Ecology and Forest Management group (FEM) of the center for Ecosystem studies of Wageningen University, the Netherlands. With over thirty years of experience in forestry, ecology, and conservation, he has held influential positions within governmental and non-governmental organizations. His commitment extends to conserving church forests in Ethiopia’s northern highlands, which are crucial for biodiversity and water resources. In addition to his environmental work, Dr. Alemayehu is a recognized author of mystical novels, showcasing his literary talents. His dedication to environmental conservation and cultural enrichment establishes him as an invaluable figure in both ORDA Ethiopia and the broader Ethiopian community. 


Mrs. Enye Bemir Kidanu, Member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Enye Bemir Kidanu serves as a board member of ORDA Ethiopia since March 2022. She is a seasoned General Manager and Management Consultant with 24 years of experience in training and consultancy. She has a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management. Throughout her career, she has held important positions in companies such as Twoebmanagement Solutions PLC, Agri Team Canada Ltd, Digital Opportunity Trust, and private banks, Action Aid Ethiopia and Ethiopian Management Institute Her responsibilities include training, coaching, human resource management, and organizational development.


Tilahun BoardDr. Tilahun Mehari Anteneh, Member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD

Dr. Tilahun Mehari Anteneh member of ORDA Ethiopia BOARD since March 2022. Currently serves as the Head of Finance bureau of the Amhara National Regional State. He is finance professional with a Ph.D. from Punjabi University, India. He also holds an MBA from Andhra University, India, and a BA in Accounting from Jimma University, Ethiopia. Dr. Tilahun has published extensively on Ethiopian bank profitability and growth. Prior to his current role, he was an Assistant Professor at Debre Markos University and held various academic and administrative positions at Debre Markos and Gondar Universities since 2001

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Name                                                                             Ambachew Mekonen(PHD)           
Title:                                                                                Executive Director
Telephone number:                                                         +251-0582264376  or 

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Name                                                                            Dejene Minliku
Title:                                                                              Deputy & Programs Director
Telephone number:                                                       +251-582-221557 or +251-918-340476
Fax number:                                                                      +251-582-200987
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Name                                                                             Eshetie Gelaw
Title:                                                                              Deputy & Resource Director
Telephone number:                                                       +251-582-221969 or

Fax number:                                                                      +251-582-200987
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