ORDA Ethiopia’s Mitigate the Worst Effects of Water scarcity and Hunger to Vulnerable Communities in Acute Crises Project supported 12.42 million Birr to internally displaced people (IDPs).
We are working to improve biodiversity by protecting existing forests and planting new ones,” Alemayheu Wase (Ph.D.)
Dear Partners,
Greetings from ORDA Ethiopia!
Photo/ The Effect of Drought on Crop Production
Currently, Amhara region is entangled between conflict and drought that worsen the life of children, women, men and persons with disabilities. Particularly drought highly affected the Waghimra and North Gondar zones. In these zones, late onset and early cessation of rainfall, insufficient rainfall, and in few woredas no rainfall at all that heavily affected the crop production, livestock forage, and human foods. Water scarcity is severe in some woredas that inhibit access to water both for humans and livestock. Reports from the zone revealed the following information.
Photo/ The Effect of Drought on Livestock
North Gondar Zone
Highly affected woredas: Debark, Beyeda, Janamora and Telemet
Total number of people that need immediate support ……. 452,851
Temporarily migrated people from the area……….. 4,088
Children that need immediate support ………. 20,529
Waghimra Zone
Highly affected woredas in Waghimera Zone: Sahila, Ziquala, Abergelle, and Dahina woredas.
Total number of people that need immediate assistance ……… 72,412
Photo/ The Effect of Drought on Livestock
In this zone, livestock populations are at higher risk that might cause death unless immediate support provided to households. The assessment report from the zone shows that cattle are getting emaciated or highly losing their weight to the extent their bone strips become vivid on the body.
Photo/ The Effect of Drought on Livestock
The required support for the people is primarily food packages (cereals/wheat, edible oil, yellow split pea), nutritious food for children/FAMIX/, medical support for disease breakout. The livestock support includes, animal feed (both concentrated feed and normal forage), veterinary service (vaccination and treatment). The detail report will soon be shared to all of you.
Thus, ORDA Ethiopia cordially requests you all to join hands in this response to save the lives of the affected people and the livestock-which are the basis for the people livelihood.
Looking forward to hearing from you at this desperate period!