ORDA Ethiopia has launched the Mass Youth Employment in Apiculture program (MaYEA).


ORDA Ethiopia has officially announced the implementation of the Mass Youth Employment in Apiculture (MaYEA) Program, which is led by ORDA Ethiopia in partnership with Mastercard Foundation, in Bahir Dar on April 26, 2024, at Blue Nile Resort Hotels.

The workshop aims to familiarize all participants with the goals, strategies, and expected results of the MaYEA Program, and to foster increased engagement and collaboration from stakeholders in implementing, monitoring, evaluating progress, and strategizing for the project as a whole.

"Water is Our Life," Says Priest Tesfa Guadie

Water is Our Life 1

Priest Tesfa Guadie lives in Yewobi Enechifo kebele, East Gojjam zone, Amhara region. He has 3 children.  He and his family used to collect water from unsafe water source. The additional worest thing is that they spend an hour to fetch water.

Priest Tesfa and his villagers’ problem came to end while ORDA Ethiopia’s Johns Rig WaSH Project built a safe water scheme in 2019.

A Woman who change her life from destitution to self-reliance

meseret wasie

W/ro Meseret Wassie is 28-year-old woman, and she was born in Yed Wuha Town, of Shebel Berenta Woreda of East Gojjam zone. She has three children. She was illegally migrated to United Arab Emirates for the sake of livelihood improvement.  As the result she was arrested for 8 month their and deported to Ethiopia immediately after her jail term.  She settled down at Burayu town by marrying Simegnew Yeshiwas who was working as daily labor. But, due to the communal violence erupted at Burayu  town, Meseret lost her asset and fled to Addis Kedam town of Awi Zone in Amhara Region.

ORDA Ethiopia’s Foundation Green Ethiopia project is providing support to the community in Libo Kemkem woreda, South Gondar zone.

    Libo Kemkem woreda 2

The project aims to enhance sustainable agriculture by implementing integrated activities that conserve biodiversity and improve soil health. As part of the project, hand tools, improved fruit, and tree seedlings are being provided to the community. The agroforestry practice is being used to manage multipurpose activities sustainably.

    Libo Kemkem woreda 1

External Auditor Reported ORDA Ethiopia Utilized its Budget Effectively.

     External Auditor Reported ORDA Ethiopia

ORDA Ethiopia's Board of Directors evaluated the organization's 2023 performance and 2024 plan in Addis Ababa on March 22/2024. At the event, ORDA Ethiopia’s External Auditor presented its audit report to the Board of Directors. The external auditing firm, Bahru & Tadele Audit service Partnership, a chartered certified accountant-UK, presented ‘an unqualified report’ for 2023 which concluded that the financial statements of ORDA Ethiopia are fair and transparent. It is stated that the organization is effective in utilizing resources gained from donors, and its strong commitment to accomplishing its mission and vision.

Its budget utilization is aligned with the 2019 Ethiopian civil society proclamation which dictates 20% budget for administration & 80% for developmental activities. Based on this, ORDA Ethiopia used 84.5% of its budget for societal development &15.6% for administrative expenses in 2023.

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