"The project has been a great help to me during a difficult time,” w/ro Mulu Mengesha.

    Mulu Mengesha

W/ro Mulu Mengesha Kassawe, 30, has completed Grade 10, and she is a female-headed family with four members is living in Woremegna (012) Kebeles, Raya Kobo woreda, North Wollo zone.

"I have benefited from sheep fattening for two consecutive years," Priest Gashaw Tigab said.

    Cartier for Nature

Priest Gashaw Tigab is a resident of Jibasira kebele, Estie woreda, South Gondar Zone,

Amhara regional state. He is 35 years old, married, and has three children. From 2010 to 2022, for twelve consecutive years, Kesise Gashaw immigrated from his resident Jibasira kebele to Wolega, and Humera lives out of the Amhara region and to support his daily labor due to poor economic income.

Priest Gashaw is a subsistence farmer with one ox, one cow, and 0.625 hectares of cultivated land. He also is fattening sheep’s to supplement his living expenses. His wife and three children’s help him with the farm.

The WaSH and Irrigation Development Program works in the first half of the 5th strategic period.

    WASH and Irregation

The WaSH and Irrigation Development Program accomplished the construction of 527 new water schemes (shallow wells, hand dug wells, deep wells, spring development, and large spring development). The program promoted hygiene and sanitation interventions through installing 18,465 household improved pit latrines, 60 ventilated improved pit latrines and 4,694 hand washing facilities. In addition, the program promoted anti-trachoma interventions and addressed 87,388 trachoma patients in surgery and antibiotic treatments. The program also promoted creating access to irrigation water to 1,077 hectare of lands through the construction and rehabilitation of irrigation facilities.

“I have Healthy & Happy Family”- W/ro Birhan Belete

Healthy and Happy Family

W/ro Birhan Belete is 35 years old women living in Yebokila Zuria Kebele of Gozamen Woreda, East Gojjam zone, Amhara region. She is married and has four children.

We meet W/ro Birhan in her home while we visit ORDA Ethiopia’s John’s Rig WaSH project hygiene and sanitation status of beneficiaries.

The residents of Gendira village in Jama woreda are using the water scheme properly by protecting and maintaining it.

Gender village

From October 1, 2021 Until December 2023, ORDA Ethiopia has built 8 community-wide water tanks that benefit 8,627 people in Jama woreda,, South Wollo Zone, Amhara Region.

Gendira water scheme is one of the two water schemes built in Gendira village, Jama woreda, in Amayu Kebele. The construction was completed in October 2022 and benefited 520 households (F: 208).

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