“My back and legs have rested from carrying water jerrican” W/ro Qemem Teshom

     Wro Qemem Teshom

In North Wollo zone Raya Kobo woreda, many water supplies have been damaged by conflict and poor water management. In Woremmegna kebele of Raya Kobo Woreda, at Woredibo, the water scheme has been out of service for two years due to damage to some of its parts, including the water line and head of the Bono structure.

W/ro Qemem Teshom, a 60-year-old mother of six children living in Woremegna Kebele near Robit Town of Raya Kobo woreda, shared her past and present life stories related to the water access situation.

Home and Latrine are the Two Face of One Cent,” W/ro Yenenesh Abitie

     Home and Latrine 1

W/ro Yenenesh Abitie is a 35 years old woman. She is married and a mother of 4 children. She is living in Charamba village, Yewush kebele of Aneded woreda East Gojjam zone.

Her family used to deficate on open fields. So, her family was frequently sick by diarrheal diseases and spent there times and money on health facility to gaine medical service.

     Home and Latrine 2

ORDA John’s Rig WaSH project is being implemented her seroundings on WaSH activities. W/ro Yenenesh is one of beneficiaries of the project.

"It took us more than an hour to get back from the river," Ahayazownz Villagers

Ahayazownz Villagers

Ahayazownz Village is found in 09 (Astoya) kebele of Menz Mama Mider Woreda of North Shoa Zone. For decades, the Ahayazownz communities had fetched drinking water from the river called Muatish Areh. Their livestock also drank from the same source.

Farmer Sirgut Wondimu and Talef Kifle remembered the situation. “Fetching water from Muatish Areh brought so many difficulties for the community. It took more than an hour to go back. The topography is also undulating and steep, so women and people with disabilities suffered due to the high energy requirements. The water point is not suitable for fetching, and on average, each household lost more than two jerks. Our girls also faced the risk of sexual harassment because the distance from the village is far. In addition, our children suffered from different waterborne diseases like cholera, diarrhea, giardiasis, and worm infections, and we spent money on treatment".

"My Family Gets Meal Three Times Per Day,” -W/ro Yeshi Arega

My Family Gets Meal

W/ro Yeshi Arega ia a resident of Kilero Kebele, Menz Lalo Medere woreda of North Shewa Zone. Before she got a support from ORDA Ethiopia’s Climate-Based Rural Development Project, she used to live in Canaille living standard. 

Through the projects support, Yeshi engaged in sheep fattening and small business with the loan support she received from rural savings and loans. She rented 0.5 hectares of land and was able to produce 5 quintals of wheat.

“Invest in women Accelerate Growth !

    March 8 48

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