Get in Touch ORDA Ethiopia's Safeguarding Policy

sageguarding policy

ORDA Ethiopia has ratified a safeguarding policy for the sake of its staffs, partners and beneficiaries. The policy listed out the below activities that should not be performed by employees of any ORDA Ethiopia and institutions working in partnership or as a contractor with ORDA Ethiopia:-

Code of Conduct for ORDA Ethiopia and humanitarian workers

  • Sexual exploitation and violence against any section of society, especially those receiving humanitarian assistance;
  • Any sexual contact with children under the age of 18;
  • Any sexual contact with children under the age of 18;
  • Asking for sex by doing undue favors to people receiving project work and humanitarian support;
  • Establishing a romantic/sexual relationship with a person for whom any activity or human support is provided;
  • Causing physical and psychological harm to people who receive formal and humanitarian support, especially those who are vulnerable groups;
  • Employing children under the age of 18 in labor;
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, chat and other drugs while on duty;

In general, you should treat all the members of the society who you serve with regular activities and support in a manner that respects their human rights, identity and dignity, and answer their questions appropriately!!

The rights of people who receive humanitarian assistance፡-

Any person receiving personal support has the following rights:

  • Protection from any form of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in order to obtain support;
  • Refrain from giving financial, material, or other favors/gifts to humanitarian aid workers/ government bodies in order to receive the support;
  • To be treated properly and respectfully, from the time of work to be included in the support to the time they receive the support and return;
  • Get priority during distribution if you have a physical, age or health problem;
  • You have the right to make a complaint or suggestion about support or other issues and get a response.

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