ORDA Ethiopia’s Strengthening PSNP Institutions and Resilience II (SPIR II)/ Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) project second year work evaluation and third year plan familiarization workshop was held.

ORDA Ethiopia’s Strengthening PSNP Institutions and Resilience II (SPIR II)/ Resilience Food Security Activity (RFSA) project is funded 91.59 million USD from USAID and  implemented in partnership with World Vision Ethiopia & Care Ethiopia in 9 Woredas (North Wollo zone: Meket, Wadla, Gazo, Lasta, Bugna, and Waghimra zone: Dahana, Sekota, Tsagbji and Gazgibla) of Amhara Regional State. The RFSA project works to build resilience to shocks, enhance livelihoods and improve food security and nutrition for 242, 704 rural households.
The implementation of the second year of the project and the introduction of the third year plan were held on November 2023. The project's donor, implementer, ORDA Ethiopias’s program directors, coordinators and implementers participated.

Among the major activities carried out in the  year of the project, the following were done;
•  47,195 (F: 26,808) members saved 104,096.91 USD by organizing economic and social saving groups and saved 12,641.50 USD for social fund.  10,723 (F: 5,516) VESA members used, USD 80,383.66 on income-generating activities for beneficiaries.
•  18, 556.84 metric tons of food grains were distributed to 267,633 (F: 144,336), PSNP users who have food security problems. Of this, 243,704 are regular PSNP users. 
•  In addition, 2,847 different farm equipment’s  supported to 2,182 (F: 719) beneficiaries.
•  5,927.3 hectares of land could be treated through integrated watershed development. Apart from this, 2,213 different fruit and multipurpose seedlings were distributed for 662 (F: 451) beneficiaries.
•  Also, maintenance and construction of schools, veterinary centers, drinking water supply, and small-scale irrigation construction works have been done.
•  203,158 beneficiaries are who will work and benefit from the next third-year plan; and those receiving direct support are 39,546. A total of 242,704 beneficiaries are expected to be benefited from the project. The budget for implementing projects is 7,730,915 dollars.
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