We are working to improve biodiversity by protecting existing forests and planting new ones,” Alemayheu Wase (Ph.D.)

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Landscape Restoration Using Church Forest Relics Project is one of 38 projects that are being implemented in 2023 by ORDA Ethiopia. The project is being implemented in Dera woreda and Estie woreda of South Gondar Zone. According Alemayehu Wase, ORDA Ethiopia’s Excutive director, saying when he visited the project activities the Ethiopia’s forest cover, which was 40% 100 years ago, has decreased to 4% now. As a result, we are vulnerable to short rainy season, imbalance of biodiversity and climate change. ORDA Ethiopia is working to improve biodiversity by protecting existing forests and planting new ones, he said.

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For example, church forests were previously part of a large forest, so we are working to increase environmental security and forest cover by strengthening them by planting and fencing them with stones, planting on communal lands and making them free from animal contact. He also said that they are working to reduce deforestation by making the farmers who have made their living with forest products by engaging in beekeeping, sheep breeding and poultry farming. In addition, the local youth have been made to produce fuel efficient stoves and supply them to the area at an affordable price.

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ORDA Ethiopia is planting 6.8 million seedlings in the summer (wet) season of 2023 through projects implemented in different areas of the region, which will help increase environmental security and forest cover and provide economic benefits.

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