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What are ORDA’s distinctive qualities and features (comparative advantages)?

The historical evolution of ORDA, starting from a scratch in remote areas where social and economic overhead capitals were unthinkable, has conferred it a special experience of living in and working with people up on their conviction and effective participation. This rout of its evolution passing through gloomy hardships has also given it a passion of learning-by-doing, working in and tackling hardships, holding people as a pillar.

Its expanding developmental endeavors and experience of working with partners have also been enabling ORDA not only to attain its modern institutional setup but also to sustain its comparative advantages/strengths and then to emerge as a reliable/qualified competitor for partnership. Among the comparative advantages/strengths of ORDA enabling it to implement what it wants to do in a timely manner, some are unique and worth mentioning, i.e., its strong bondage with government, its respect for and recognition by the people, its accumulated wealth of experiences of implementing diverse developmental activities, its passion of working under harsh circumstances, its network and partnership with a variety of NGOs and donors, and its organizational structure stretched into district levels fleshed with capable, committed and dedicated staff are among the distinctive features of ORDA.

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