ORDA Ethiopia’s Empowering Women through Promoting Maternal and Neonatal Health Project Familirization workshop has been held
ORDA Ethiopia's Empowering Women through Promoting Maternal and Neonatal Health Project works to reduce maternal and infant mortality during pregnancy and childbirth. 

It focuses to avoid obstructed labor, high-blood pressure during pregnancy, infections (usually after childbirth), unsafe abortion, sever bleeding (mostly bleeding after childbirth) and other indirect causes like anemia, malaria etc, which can cause maternal death during childbirth.
Also, the project will work to avoid neonatal healthne problems like preterm (babies born early alive before 37 weeks of pregnancy), Birth asphyxia (in ability to breath), infections (sepsis, meningitis, neonatal tetanus and others) and birth defects (heart, brain, bone, foot etc structural changes).

The workshop was attended by officials and experts from Dera woreda, and senior officials and experts from ORDA Ethiopia.
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