
The organization is working to develop a comprehensive, effective and transparent land management system

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ORDA Ethiopia, a GIZ-funded Amhara Land for Life Multi actor Partnership Project, in collaboration with WHH/Welt Hunger Hilfe, is working to fill the gaps in land management and policy generation.

The land policy framework is not sufficient to address the growing demand for land and the changing socio-economic conditions of the land sector. Rapid economic growth and social change in rural areas are also leading to increased land demand. The current tenure certification system is insufficient to accommodate the sector. Currently, the National Land Use Policy has been developed by the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission to address such challenges. Recently, the responsibility for enforcing the Land Proclamation has been decentralized to regional levels.

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But there are no clear rules for land users. There are also significant gaps in the land law that make it difficult to implement or enforce. For example, many regions’ land laws proclaim to provide for free access to agricultural land. But there is no free land. There are also a number of information and knowledge gaps that challenge land management.

ORDA Ethiopia encompasses Debre Elias and Womberma woredas in Amhara, one of the largest investment woredas in the state, and has been providing trainings on responsible agricultural investment (RAI) and environmental and social code of principles.

The project aims to contribute to a functioning land governance system in Ethiopia based on agreed international best practice benchmarks and guided by principles of equity, inclusivity, transparency and accountability thus creating an enabling environment for tenure security and responsible investments in agriculture and food systems for improved livelihood of smallholders, pastoralists and other vulnerable groups, especially women, people with disabilities, the elderly, and youth in the Amhara region.

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Dr. Belachew Yirsaw, Dean of the Institute of Land Administration at Bahir Dar University, described Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) outlining principles and practices that governments can refer to when making laws and administering land, fisheries, and forests rights and Responsible Agricultural Investment in relation to the global practices.

Ato Getachew Alamrew also thoroughly presented that the environmental and social code of principles should be implemented in a responsible manner by conducting a responsible agricultural investment.

Ato Dessie Seyoum, Director of the Legal Drafting Directorate of the Bureau of Justice, on his part provided awareness training on responsible agricultural investment and legal frameworks.

In the training workshop Womberma Woreda Administration, Land Administration and Use, Investment Office, Environmental Protection, GIZ and ORDA Ethiopia heads & officers participated.