
ORDA JOHN'S Rig WaSH Project 2020 annual performance review & 2021 plan orientation conducte 


ORDA John's Rig Wash Project, funded by Welt hunger hilfe through VIVA CON AGUA, works on potable water supply, hygiene, and sanitation (WaSH) activities to be carried out in 5 woredas (Gozamen, Sinan, Aneded, Debre-Elias & Machakel districts of East Gojjam Zone of East Gojjam Zone) and benefits 205 thousand beneficiaries by delivering safe water schemes and 280 thousand beneficiaries by keeping their hygiene and sanitation with an allocated budget of over €8.8 million.

The project implements from 2016- 2024, and since its establishment, 61 shallow boreholes, 3 deep wells, 22 ventilated improved pit latrine blocks for 11 schools, 56 community model household latrines were constructed. In the 2021 planning orientation, a hot discussion has been carried out to solve 2020 problems like rig machine malfunction, malfunction of wells, and inactivity of stakeholders. According to Dr. Dereje Tesfahun, Director of the Water, Hygiene& Sanitation and Irrigation program of ORDA, a mutual consensus has been reached to solve these problems with East Gojjam zone higher officials.

In the workshop, administrators of East Gojjam zone and project implementation woredas, and ORDAs concerned staffs have participated.