ORDA-EPA Horticultural Processing Plant starts off Test Production

By Wondie Engeda

Fruit and Processing Plant funded by Federal Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in collaboration with Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) stared off its Test Production.

ORDA-EPA Horticultural Processing Plant started off Test Production1

It is disclosed that the plant started off its test production while practical trainings provided for 30 unemployed youths organized in Micro & Small Enterprise Development for 15 days from 08/07/2013 to 22/07/2013 consecutively.

ORDA-EPA Horticultural Processing Plant started off Test Production2Food and Food Items Monitoring Expert in Debertabor City Administration Micro & Small Enterprise Development, Bamelaku Gizachew, said the unemployed youths drawn from Debretabor City & its vicinity Cooperatives are trained in fruit and vegetable processing which aimed at income generating after handing over the plant to be managed and guided by the cooperatives. He articulated “the practical skills they acquired during the training would provide those enough knowledge & skills including how to produce, Canning and preserving the products which would be produced by them using the Plant. He also promised that the enterprise will stand on their side in searching sustainable market for the caned products they would produce permanently.”

Furthermore, Wabi Tesfaye, senior horticultural development officer told to Emerta Quarterly Newsletter that over 1,080 households in ten kebeles of three districts are expected to become direct beneficiaries from the processing plant.

ORDA-EPA Horticultural Processing Plant started off Test Production3

The Horticulture Processing Plant and its test production was visited by high ranking officials of Amhara Regional State including Chief Administrator, Deputy Chief Administrator, Council Spokesman, Bureau heads, Regional Council members and invited guests.

The plant is constructed at a cost of 3 million birr obtained from Federal Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).

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