
     Disability Etiquettes

           Disability Etiquettes

ORDA is an inclusive organization that works with people with disabilities. All staff- members, volunteers and partners should know the following things concerning with persons with disability

  1. Ask before you help; before you provide services ask their permission. don’t assume people with disabilities always need support or assistance.
  2. Be sensitive about physical contact; some people with disabilities depend on their armsbalance. Grabbing them, even to assist them could knock them off balance. Avoid touching wheelchair, scooter or white cane.
  3. Think before you speak; remember always speak directly to the person with a disability to her/his assistant.
  4. Don’t make assumptions; people with disabilities are the best judge of what they can or cannot do. Don’t make decisions for them about participating in any activity, except children.
  5. Listen attentively; when speaking impairments guys speak, listen attentively until they finish their ideas instead of interrupting or avoid correcting them.
  6. Feel free to ask a person who has a speech difficulty to repeat themselves; they will appreciate and feel that you value their ideas.
  7. Speak clearly and in short sentences when communicating with a person with learning difficulty.
  8. Socializing; do not leave a person with a disability out of a conversation or activity because you feel uncomfortable or fear that he/she will feel uncomfortable.
  9. Hidden Disabilities; The person may have a hidden disability such as low vision, a hearing or learning disability, traumatic brain injury, mental retardation, or mental illness. Don't make assumptions about the person or his/her disability. Be open-minded.
  10. Learning more: - Learning more about the disability may alleviate your fears and pave the way for you to see the person for who he or she is.

Source: - From Gender, Disability, and Culture Unit of ORDA, and it is compiled and translated to Amharic by CIT service of ORDA