A woman not scrupling to adopt new technology

It was really very hard to get an individual who thinks for change of life through practicing Apple development in Arbit Kebele, as dwellers expressed. This perception has now changed in the Kebele as there are some farmers who showed improved life through Apple production. W/ro Wubit Taddesse is mentioned as exemple among those few successful farmers who practiced the Apple production technology in the same Kebele.

W ro Wubit TaddesseW/ro Wubit is among one of the farmers who received Apple seedlings from ORDA. When such distribution undertook, she reminded that the training provided by experts had opened her eyes to be involved in Apple development. Thereafter, she started taking care of her seedlings and also received continuous technical assistance from experts, W/ro Wubit stated. All these supports enabled Wubit to have around 180 Apple trees.  Accordingly, W/ro Wubit, she generates a minmum of 55,000.00 Birr annually from selling of Apple fruits.

W ro Wubit Taddesse Apple productionThe Apple development that she engaged has created not only income but also work motivations for her, who is married and mother of four. Accordingly, she also engaged in vegetables and poultry production. She reported that she earned birr 600 from sale of cabbage and beetroot and birr 500 from sale of eggs.

W/ro Wubit has built her capacity in financial management and provided an accounting document, on which she records her daily income and expenditures. Misganaw Mairegu, a Livelihood Officer in Wadla Project Office of ORDA, said that this makes her different from others who have also engaged in Apple development in Arbit kebele in Wadla woreda.

The income Wubit generates from Apple, vegetables and poultry production has transformed her family into prosperous and made her repay her credit of birr 4000.00. Above all, she widens Apple development by purchasing land with a cost of 7000.00 Birr.

The woman who gained assistance from ORDA has paved a road for her family to move to better life. The income she earns from Apple is adequate to sufficiently manage the livelihood of her family with six members; it has given security for their children who attend grade seven, six and five. Practicing Apple development technology without scrupling is a means not only for W/ro Wubit to let her marriage more joyful but also for the family to build self-confidence. 

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