“.---- Learn how to handle money and plan to continue my Education----.“

Meseret Tilahun“My name is Meseret Tilahun, 26 years old and interrupted my education from 8th grade. I had little knowledge about condom. Also, I didn’t have the skill to wear. I didn’t know about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) too. When I got sick of STIs, I believed that I urinated on a hot object and did not seek any medication. I had never had an HIV testing on my own initiative. However, I remember that I got tested when I was 8 months pregnant. I have never had a test then after until I joined the USAID TransACTION program implemented by ORDA.

I used to refuse when customers ask me to get them wear condom. I used to insist them to do it by their own.  I had a boy friend who used to pay house rent for me and have never used condom with him. I used to earn up to 200 birr a day. However, all the money was used up and I had nothing the next day. Because, I had no knowledge about financial issues. I used to spend all the money I earned for clothing and any other item whichever I wished to have. 

Moreover, I was recruited for USAID TransACTION program implemented by ORDA, got trained and started facilitating peer education. I have got tested 3 times for HIV and 2 times for STI. Had the TransACTION program not been initiated,  I would have remained a sex worker.

Apart from this, I have learnt the value of every cent through saving. I used to consider the money earned through commercial sex as if lost and found and spent it carelessly. I am now properly handling the money I earn and I have a plan to continue my education through distance education.

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