Improved Life in Dingima village


Eyayaw Adane, aged 25, lives in Dingima village, Wonberoch woftoma kebele, Ebinat woreda. He is married and has one child. He leads his livelihood in small agriculture. 
Likewise, his colleague farmers who live in Dengima village, Eyayaw gifted one-hectare farmland from his family, and tries to cultivate crops once a year to accommodate his family food consumption. However, the crop earned from his agriculture was used for consumption only, and it did not cover other social expenses. It was due to a lack of inappropriate use of his resource, land. On this occasion, when ORDA’s improving youth employment through soft skill training and other supports project was launched in 2018, Eyayaw had been recruited to be a beneficiary.
The project has been working to benefit 200 jobless youth by budgeting Birr 5.2 million secured from Gafat Endowment & ORDA.


First, the project gave technical training in titles of business entrepreneurship & money management.
Then, Eyayaw prepared a business proposal and got Birr 90 thousand loans with an interest rate of 8% from the project. He joined in a cattle fattening & horticulture development and he improved his livelihood.

“I completed my high school education with the insufficient result, and then I became jobless. My family gave me one-hectare farmland, and I was producing wheat & legume ones a year only. But ORDA’s improving youth employment through soft skill training and other supports project recruited me and became beneficiary, while it recruited jobless youths. First I got Birr 90,000 loan from the project. Then, I bought one water pump generator and started irrigation work in the dry season, winter. I bought 3 quintals of Garlic seed & 4 quintals of Potato seed, and I sowed. Finally, I earned 15 quintals of garlic product and sold Birr 150,000”, he said. 
Now Eyayaw is paying back his loan principal & interest. Currently, he has bought two oxen with a cost of Birr 32 thousand for fattening. Besides, he deposited Birr 100 thousand in his bank account, and he has planned to cultivate Garlic for the next dry season, winter in Ethiopia.
Since ORDA’s improving youth employment through soft skill training and other supports project targets on creating youths who have the initiative to create their own job got a success, the Ebinat woreda should give due attention for the remaining revolving fund to accesses more jobless youths.

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